Here comes our interactive map


world clock

The archipelago of the Azores is one hour less than the mainland.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Fumi and the mountains of the fire!

Nós decidimos fazer um livro :
We decided to write a book:

-- cada aluno desenhou uma personagem para ser votada

-- each pupil drew a character that should be voted
-- nós votamos numa personagem e quem ganhou foi
-- we voted their characters and the winner was
-- o nome da personagem é FUMI.

-- the character's name  is FUMI.

-- o nome do livro é FUMI AND THE MOUNTAINS OF FIRE
-- the book's name is FUMI AND THE MOUNTAINS OF FIRE
O livro irá de país em país onde cada escola parceira irá escrever uma parte da história. Ficou decidido que os alunos portugueses iriam fazer o livro. Vejam o que fizemos!
The book will go from country to country so that partner can create a part of the story.
It was decided that the Portugueses students were the ones who would make the book.

Vê o que nós fizemos!.
Check what we have done!


Mission accomplished!!
 We hope you like it! Now we will rest and eat a filó (sweet typical of the island).
Good luck and good stories!  A Lot of Kisses!

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Volcano eruption on sicily

Maria Paola was so nice to inform us about the newest eruption of mount Etna! Here is the link she sent us.


Monday, 10 January 2011

And the winner is....

Hello to all!
The winner of our little art competiton is ...
FRANCE  with the wonderful green dragon !!!!!!!